Jenny Harp
Lecturer in Art Studio

Art Building 139Office Hours
Wed: 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
Courses Taught
Drawing, Printmaking, Fundamentals
Favorite Teaching moment at SSU
Taking field trips across campus and down to Copeland Creek to forage for pigments.
MFA, University of Iowa (Printmaking and Intermedia)
MA, University of Iowa (Printmaking and Intermedia)
BFA, Sonoma State University
MFA,MA,BFASelected Publications & Presentations
SSU Mini-Grant, Digital/Physical a Suite of Prints, 2020
Jenny Harp: New Work, solo exhibition, Miracle Plum, Santa Rosa, CA, 2019
Instructions for Underground Movements, Group show and window installation, Imaginists Theater, Santa Rosa, CA, 2019