How to choose a G.E. course?
As you attempt to determine which G.E. courses you should take, keep in mind: Which courses are you most interested in? Are there choices that would be useful to your emphasis within the department? Is there something you have always wanted to know about or for which you have a passionate interest? How can you be most efficient (e.g. which courses fulfill one or more G.E. or major requirements simultaneously)?
The lower division Art History Survey courses fulfill the G.E. C-1 category, while the department Modern Art History Requirement can also fulfill 3 of the Upper Division G.E. units (C-1) if you take ArtH 464: 19th Century; ArtH 465, Modern Art 1945-79; ArtH 455: 20th Century; or ArtH 460: American Art. There are courses outside the department which have been designed for the humanities/art student, such as Math 111: Symmetry in the Sciences and Arts(3); CALS 220: Mexican American Arts and Literature (3), CALS 393: Chicano/Latino Cinema (3); or NAMS 205: Introduction to Native American Arts(3), NAMS 338: Native Americans and the Cinema (3), NAMS 430: Advanced Native American Workshop and a number of other courses in History, Gender Studies, etc.