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Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Studio


Spring 2025 BFA fillable application

The B.F.A. degree is a 127-129-unit program requiring 90 units of course work in art. The B.F.A. degree differs from the B.A. degree in its requirements and rigor. The B.F.A. is often considered to be the degree of choice for students wishing to pursue graduate or professional studies. It enhances the artist's opportunities to perform at a higher level and fulfills the need for additional artistic growth in an intensive studio situation. The B.F.A. affords time for concentrated work within a specific art emphasis (painting, photography, printmaking, or sculpture).

Admission Requirements

Students may only apply during or after the second semester of the sophomore year. Thereafter students may reapply as many times as desired. Applicants must meet University requirements for admission and must first be admitted to the bachelor of arts program. In addition, they must meet the following requirements to qualify:

  • Students must complete all lower-division requirements in art; take lower-division courses before upper-division courses in the area of emphasis; take at least one advanced course in the area they are applying for; maintain a 3.00 GPA in art, exclusive of GE courses; and complete all lower-division GE requirements by the end of the junior year.
  • To be considered for the B.F.A. admission review, applicants must submit 10 - 20 digital images, two letters of recommendation (or two department faculty signatures, if currently enrolled student), and a short statement including their reasons for applying. These will be reviewed and the candidates may be interviewed by the studio faculty to help determine if their work demonstrates the creative level expected of B.F.A. candidates. Applications will be reviewed in the Spring semester for possible admission the following Fall semester, and in the Fall semester for possible admission for the following Spring semester.
Types of Courses Required
Type of CourseUnits
General education48–51
Major core requirements79-81
Total units needed for graduation127–132


The B.F.A. is comprised of a group of core courses representing minimum requirements for all areas of emphasis, plus course requirements in studio arts, art history, a B.F.A. seminar and a B.F.A. Professional Practices course. Students accepted into the program decide on an area of emphasis from the following choices: painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture.

  • Throughout the B.F.A. program, candidates must maintain a 3.00 GPA in art and a high level of performance and will be subject to review at all times.
  • To complete the program, candidates will meet all course work for the degree and participate in the B.F.A. art exhibition in the University Art Gallery.
  • In order to receive the B.F.A. degree, students must complete 24 upper-division units in art in residence (which may be included within the University's unit residency requirement).

Major Core Requirements


ArtS 101

ArtS 102

2D Fundamentals

3D Fundamentals



ArtH 160A, and

ArtH 160B OR

Humanities Learning Community




any two from: ArtH 210,

ArtH 211, 

ArtH 270A,

 ArtH 270B

Introduction to Art History

Introduction to Art History

Survey of Islamic Art

Survey of Asian Art




Complete two of the following courses (ArtS 105 a requirement for Photo/Media emphasis)
ArtS 202Beginning Drawing3
ArtS 204Beginning Life Drawing3
ArtS 105Media Arts Fundamentals3

Total lower-division core units = 18-20


Complete 3 of the courses listed below
ArtH 464Modern Art from 1850-19453–4
ArtH 465Modern Art from 1945-19793–4
ArtH 466Contemporary Art3
ArtH 490Museum & Gallery Theory3
ArtH 494Curatorial Practice3



Complete two upper division courses in any medium besides your area of emphasis for a total of 6 units

Areas of Emphasis

In addition to the major core requirements, each B.F.A. student must complete one of the following 41-unit concentrations and the three courses listed below, for a total of 48 units

Required Courses
ArtS 465B.F.A Seminar3
ArtS 466B.F.A. Professional Artists' Practices3
ArtS 491Visiting Artists Lecture Series1


  • Complete at least three courses from three different studio emphases at the lower division (excluding drawing) to a total of 9 units.
  • Complete 20 units of upper division in area of emphasis.
  • Complete an additional 6 units of auxiliary studio courses.